The Lost Happy Appy Episode

There was once a story about an old show called "Happy Appy" that used to get a bunch of popularity on the Creepypasta Wiki. After a while, the hype died down and people stopped really caring for it. All except for one little guy known as A Wiki Contributor, that is! After extensive research, thousands of sleepless nights, and countless amounts of blood sold through the Black Market, I've finally found enough information on the series to reach a conclusion: It never existed. *Shocked*
Devastating, Isn't it? However, I ''was ''able to receive a DVD-R containing an unfinished flash cartoon made for the Happy Appy creepypasta. You see, the dude who wrote Happy Appy had a friend who makes little flash cartoons for fun. Originally, in order to "enhance" the story, they were going to make a bunch of Happy Appy cartoons and upload them on to Youtube. However, the project was left unfinished because one reason or another.
I met the animator guy from a forum about creepypastas, and he was cool enough to send me a blank DVD containing some of the unfinished episodes. After about a week of waiting, I finally got the disc in the mail. ''Oh Boy! ''I thought, happily, ''Getting this is way better than getting a girlfriend!''
I popped the disc into my macbook and sat there ready to shit myself at the sheer greatness. The screen went to black, and the video started to play. It started out with a shot of Happy sitting on a bench at the park with a pissy expression on his face. Two small boys were chasing each other, giggling and shouting, then one of them fell over. He started to sob. Happy got up and walked towards the boy, then said to him "God dammit, quite being a little pansy and just walk it off!"
"Why a you so mean, Mr. Happy?" wined the child.
"Mofo, have you ever seen your own bro get shot by some ballas? No? Then quit crying!"
The small child continued to sob. A little girl and what appeared to be her mother walked to the scene, the mother was furious. "Hey, you should be nicer to your kid!"
Happy shouted back, "He's not even mine! He's just one of those stupid kids I have to work with on my show."
By this point, I was confused. Happy was serial killer, but he wasn't a flat-out dick! I continued watching, and what happened next nearly made me puke. A helicopter landed next to the playground, and a beefy, muscular man in riot gear ran up to Happy and bashed him across the head with his club. Something was wrong about this beefcake, his uniform was not one a cop would wear.
Everybody there screamed, then the muscular man took off his mask, revealing a large, intimidating eye on his forehead. He wasn't a cop, he wasn't even a man, he was ''the illuminati!''
The video ended, and I sat there, petrified in fear. That was ''not ''Happy Appy, that was some sort of sick, twisted joke. I ejected the disc and threw it against the wall in a similar fashion of a kid throwing a toy against the wall while having a temper tantrum. I opened up my Yahoo mail account (shut up) and emailed the Happy Appy author. I asked him what the ''hell ''was up with that cartoon. Exactly 7 and a half minutes later, I got this reply:
''Dear A Wiki Contributor,''
''I don't know what you're talking about, I've don't know anything about a Happy Appy cartoon. I did knew a guy from high school who used to do cartoons for fun, but I havn't talked to him ever since he told me 2Pac's death was deserved. He was a sick guy, he would rant and rave about how there should be a new world order and that ''Doritos® ''were for losers, but I digress. Either way, I had nothing to do with that cartoon you watched .''
''Hugs & Kisses, the guy who wrote Happy Appy.''
I sat there in my seat, confused. I noticed that there was a new message in my inbox, so I clicked on it. It was sent by... The official Activison email?! I was shocked, the message read:
''Congratulations, A Wiki Contributor! The sheer amount of swag you owned made us want to send you the official demo of the new ''Call of Duty® ''DLC! Here you go, bro:''
There was a link on the bottom of the message. Like anyone else, I clicked that shit! You bet your ass I trusted that message, it had a registered logo on it! My computer screen went completely blank after I clicked the link. Then, the screen cracked. The crack grew wider, revealing a glowing, green pupil. A deep, satanic voice growled at me: ''NEW WORLD ORDER OR GTFO.''
and then a skeleton pooped out and i died